1-Good Art – Bad Art Take a look at these two videos – the first is


1-Good Art – Bad Art Take a look at these two videos – the first is a serious questioning of modern art by a very conservative scholar – the second is a parody produced from a mainstream academic point of view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNI07egoefc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMe4NYJoqDM List and explain three (3) points that you either agree or disagree with from each video. Finally, If you wish, read through other postings and find one or more points raised by other students that you find valid. 2-Chapter 2: Line & Shape (Actual vs. Implied Mass) Figures 2.18, 2.19 & 2.20 all illustrate mass – how do you see them illustrating the difference between implied and actual mass? 3-Good Art – Bad Art Take a look at these two videos – the first is another questioning of modern art, this time by Andy Rooney, a television culture commentator – the second is an interview with Jeff Koons (who Rooney accuses of “having a serious disorder of the mind” @ about 2:25 into the Rooney video) one of the most successful living American artists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsfX6xqCBks Jeff Koons – ‘Art is a Vehicle of Acceptance’ | TateShots – YouTube List and explain three (3) points that you either agree or disagree with from the Rooney video. Listen to the Koons interview and list three (3) reasons why you either find his art valid or a not worthwhile. Finally, read through the other postings and find one or more points raised by other students that you find valid.

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