1 – Make a table in MS Excel to record the following transactions


1 – Make a table in MS Excel to record the following transactions in the general journal using the rules of the double entry system.

Feb           1$15,000 in cash was invested to start the business of Muñoz Co.
A small truck was purchased for the business for $28,000; $10,000 was paid at the time.
Office supplies were purchased for $800 in cash.
The rent for the business premises for the current month was paid for $2,000.
A service was provided to a client (fee earned) in the amount of $5,000.
10 Furniture was purchased for $1,500.
15 Salaries of $3,800 were paid to employees.
16 A service was performed to a customer on credit for $2,500.
18 A payment for the truck purchased on credit was made on February 3 for $500.
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2- Analyze transactions with the expanded accounting equation.

Make a table in MS Excel to record the following transactions in the general journal using the rules of the double entry system.

Feb        2 Heavy equipment was purchased for $55,000 for Luis Santos’ Quick Cleaning company.
$150 in gasoline was paid for the heavy equipment.
Excavation work was charged for $2,000.
Construction materials were purchased for $3,000.
Advertising expenses were paid for $500.
11 A withdrawal for personal use was made in the amount of $700.
12Salaries of $5,800 were paid to employees.
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