Answer two of these Review Questions (1, 5, 7, 11, 14, or 18) from


Answer two of these Review Questions (1, 5, 7, 11, 14, or 18) from pages 3-38 and 3-39 of the textbook using the Microsoft Word template provided above.   (Remember that students can download Microsoft Office – which includes Word – for free.  Details are in the Syllabus area of Bb)  Save the file with your last name and first initial.  Example:   DoeJ_101-114_Review_Assignment Assignment_Chap3.docxOnce completed, come back here and upload your document to Bb by first clicking on the title of this post. – 10 pointsBefore you begin, view the grading rubric.  Click on the title of this post and you’ll see a link to view it.  It’s important that you know what criteria you’re being graded on.

This week’s assignments: 

  • Chapter 3 assignment in MyAccountingLab:
  • Blackboard assignment – Chapter 3 – Review Assignment (see the assignment below this post) – 10 points

Please be sure to ask questions as soon as you have them by either posting to the appropriate discussion board in Bb, sending your instructor a chat or email, using your instructor’s office hours, or working with a tutor during their tutoring hours.

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