Assignment Requirements: Create a professional and clean slideshow


Assignment Requirements: Create a professional and clean slideshow that is worthy of presentation to a CEO. Prepare a slideshow with a MINIMUM of 6 slides using Microsoft PowerPoint 

1. Open a Blank presentation Save the presentation as LastName_FirstName_PowerPointAssignment1_Student#.pptx Add a Title to the first slide: the name of your college Give it a larger font. Make it look important. Include the following subtitles: Include the following subtitles: • Your full name. Make the text smaller than the title. Make it centered. • Your Student ID number. Make it italicized. 

2. Add a New Slide which has a Title and Content. Add a title to the second slide (E.g. – “My Future Goals”) In the Content section of the second slide, discuss the contents that you will cover in the presentation. 

3. Right click on the second slide from the left panel, then choose Duplicate Slide Highlight the text in the Content area of the third slide. Under the Home tab, click Convert to SmartArt, then choose VERTICAL BLOCK LIST

 4. Add a New Slide & Choose the layout of the new slide to Blank Insert an Online Picture from your device/Online pictures — choose any image of your choice. Insert a text box, with a couple sentences describing the picture. POWERPOINT ASSIGNMENT-1 

5. Add a New Blank Slide & insert a chart (aka graph) that illustrates your ratings of different facilities available in the college. For example, you can rate the D2L, Staff Support, Library, quality of education, Course Material for the college, on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is Not Satisfied and 10 is extremely satisfied. Insert a shape, with a couple sentences describing the chart. 6. Extra Effort (For Bonus Marks) • Check for spelling or grammar mistakes. • Use slide transitions & animations, with good timing. • Insert Background Pictures • Insert a hyperlink or table or multimedia. Text and images work together Be impressive and creative! Be ready to do a 5 – 10 minutes presentation, in class. Remember you are the star of this presentation, not the PowerPoint. (PowerPoint slides should not overpower the script.) 

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