Chesapeake Bay Kayak Rentals (CBKR) is located near the mouth of



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Chesapeake Bay Kayak Rentals (CBKR) is located near the mouth of the Lynnhaven River on the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia Beach, VA, and rents kayaks and paddle boards to be used on the bay and the Lynnhaven River in addition to providing tours. Matt Redfern decided to start the business because of his love for the water and outdoors. Matt decided to incorporate the business to limit his legal liability. The business began operations April 1, 2022, and has a December 31 year end.

Matt has asked you to prepare Chesapeake Bay Kayak Rentals’ financial statements for the nine months ended December 31, 2022. He has been doing his own accounting but isn’t sure if he’s done everything correctly since he only took principles of financial accounting in college.  He has provided you with an unadjusted trial balance at December 31, 2022, which is attached along with additional information to complete the project.

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