CVS Health Corporation is the SEC 10-K Company Read the Notes to


CVS Health Corporation is the SEC 10-K Company

Read the Notes to the Financial Statements (FS) for your SEC 10-K company. These “notes” are displayed after the financial statements.

1. Inventory comments: comment on inventory issues using the concepts of materiality and geographic location.

2. Inventory and Sales: comment on issues related to diversity in the customer base and internal control issues.

3. Accounts Receivable and Sales:  comment on issues related to the selling and distribution system of your SEC 10-K company, fraud matters, and internal control.

4. Challenges and opportunities you see as you relate our auditing topics to your company. Details are high-level in the SEC 10-K, but organizations rely on Auditing concepts as they prepare for the audits and as part of their internal control process.

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