Deontological Study From Xu, Z., Ma, H. (2016). How can


Deontological Study

From Xu, Z., Ma, H. (2016). How can a deontological decision lead to moral behavior? The moderating role of moral identity. Journal of Business Ethics, 137(3), 537-549. doi:10.1007/s10551-015-2576-6

Please explain the following: 

  1. What were the authors seeking to clarify in this article?
  2. Describe an “integrated approach” to ethical decisions.
  3. How did the authors attempt to build upon Kohlberg’s theory?
  4. What were the demographics of the sample?
  5. What was the conclusion of the study?
  6. What would be a possible follow-up study that could enhance the subject?
  7. How do the conclusions affect one’s ethical framework?

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