Hi, I need help picking a company this discussion –  THIS is the


Hi, I need help picking a company this discussion – 
THIS is the overview – Select a retail or manufacturing company for this project.
Visit U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and search for the name of your desired company selection. To find the most recent 10-K document, select “Company Filings” on the sec.gov website, and type the name or ticker symbol of the company. Next, select “10-K (annual reports)” and use the most recent 10-K report.

the name of the corporation, the stock market where it is traded, and its ticker symbol in the Subject line when you respond to this posting and all other postings related to this project.
For example:
McCormick & Company: NASDAQ: MKC
Tyson Foods; NYSE: TSN
Under Armour: NYSE: UA
State why you want to study and financial analysis of your corporation.
Provide a direct link to your corporation’s SEC 10-K report for the most recent year. A direct link is a hyperlink that takes you directly to a website where the SEC 10-K report is located. For example, this is the direct link for the McCormick & Company 2021 10-K report.
The most direct route to finding the direct link is to use the SEC EDGAR System and search by Company name.
Provide page numbers for all four required financial statements:
Income Statement (this may be called the Consolidated Statements of Income.) Not the Statement of Comprehensive Income.
Balance Sheet (this may be called the Consolidated Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position.)
Statement of Stockholders Equity (this may be called the Consolidated Statements of Stockholder’s Equity or Consolidated Statements of Stockholder’s Deficit.)
Statement of Cash Flows
What financial statement is presented first? The income statement or the balance sheet is commonly first.

Your corporation must meet the following criteria:
The corporation must have an SEC 10-K report for the current or most recent prior year.
The corporation must have an Accounts Receivable and Inventory Account(s) found on the Balance Sheet under Current Assets.
The corporation must be a retailer or manufacturing company.
Your corporation may NOT:
Be the same corporation you used in any other course.
Be the same corporation a classmate selected.
Be a bank or any other type of financial institution.
Be a service company.

company already being used – General Motors’s vehicles , Apple Inc, walmart, TELSA, home depot, Nvidia, The Hershey Company, CVS, costco , target, coca cola, Microsoft Corp , nike 

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