Make arrangements to undertake the two (2) professional



. Make arrangements to undertake the two (2) professional development activities you identified in your Professional Development Plan. IMPORTANT: You must complete these activities within the time frames you have set in your Professional Development Plan. 2. Undertake these professional development activities. 3. Save and secure documentation from each activity as evidence you have completed this. Documentation may include but are not limited to attendance sheets, certificates of participation/attendance. 4. As you complete each activity, update your Professional Development Plan by indicating the date when you completed the activity and the evidence you will be submitting for completing this activity. As shown below: 5. Locate the Professional Development Activities Evaluation template on the following pages. Use this to document your evaluation of the professional development activities you undertook in this task. 6. Evaluate the two (2) professional development activities you have completed. Follow the steps below: i. Identify at least one (1) strength of/highlight from each PD activity you completed. ii. Identify at least one (1) area for improvement in the PD activity you completed. iii. Explain how this PD activity addressed the needs and goals you identified in your Professional Development Plan. Write your responses in the spaces provided in the Professional Development Activities Evaluation template. 7. Confirm compliance with competency, authorisation and licensing requirements relevant

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