Swiss Navy Co. expects to maintain the same inventories at the end


Swiss Navy Co. expects to maintain the same inventories at the end of 20Y7 as at the beginning of the year. Therefore, it is assumed that the total of all production costs for the year equals the cost of goods sold. With this in mind, the various department heads were asked to submit cost estimates for their departments during the year. A summary report of these estimates is as follows:


12,000 units are expected to be sold at a price of $240 per unit. The maximum sales within the relevant range of productive capacity are 18,000 units. (12,000 units are expected to be sold at a price of $240 per unit. The maximum sales within the relevant range is 18,000 units.) 


1. Make an estimated statement of income and expenses for the year 20Y7. 


2. What is the expected contribution margin percentage? 


3. Determine the break-even point in units and in dollars 


4. Make the corresponding graph identifying the cost-volume-profit relationship, identifying the break-even point, the areas in which the company incurs loss, profit and identify the graph with its corresponding title indicating the break-even sales).


5. What is the expected margin of safety, expressed in dollars and as a percent of sales? 


6. Determine operating leverage.


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