The payroll register is a separate payroll record that is kept on


The payroll register is a separate payroll record that is kept on each employee.



Which of the following records lists all employees who earn remuneration, the amount of remuneration, the deductions, and the net amount paid for each payroll period?

a. Payroll register

b. Reference inquiry form

c. Employee history record

d. Change in payroll rate form

e. None of these choices are correct.

All states have set their minimum wage to be the same as the federal government.



Under FMLA, the time off must be used in one uninterrupted period of time.



Under the Federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, every employer is required to report the name, address, and social security number of each new employee to the appropriate state agency.



Under the Affordable Care Act, employers with 50 or more full-time employees during the previous year are required to provide health insurance coverage for all full-time employees.



The trend toward outsourcing of payroll operations has weakened in recent years.



The Age Discrimination in Employment Act provides protection to virtually all workers over the age of:

a. 40.

b. 70.

c. 75.

d. 65.

e. 50.

There are no states that allow employees to access their personnel files.



FUTA was designed to ensure that workers who are covered by pension plans receive benefits from those plans.



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